Bamboo – friend or foe? Find out here…

Bamboo may seem like a charming addition to residential gardens, but its aggressive growth can quickly turn it into a nuisance.  Here’s why!

  1. Invasive Nature: Bamboo’s rhizomes spread rapidly, making it difficult to contain. It can quickly take over a garden, displacing native plants and disrupting ecosystems.
  1. Property Damage: As the rhizomes from running bamboo can travel up to 30 metres and can propagate new plants as it develops it has the potential to infest all neighbouring land causing damage to hard surfaces such as asphalt, driveways and patio areas.
  1. Maintenance Challenges: Keeping bamboo in check requires regular, often intensive, maintenance. Failure to control it can result in an overwhelming task of containment.
  1. Property Sales: Some mortgage lenders may have stipulations regarding the presence of bamboo on the property. They may require its removal or containment to mitigate potential risks and ensure the property remains saleable and insurable.

A bamboo case study – before and after:

Check out these before and after shots for a bamboo removal project we have completed this week for a residential homeowner.

Bamboo collage May 2024_

The bamboo was planted many years ago and now poses a risk due to the rhizomes pushing out into the garden and into neighbouring properties.

After …

We will be conducting monitoring visits over the next 2 years for the client to ensure we see no regrowth and will also issue a 10-year warranty for additional peace of mind.

This year, our bamboo order book has quadrupled, reflecting a growing awareness among our clients regarding the challenges and risks posed by this invasive plant.

For expert Bamboo assessment and remediation, whether to book a free survey or just to have a quick chat – you can call us on 0800 2884967 or email

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